Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Go to "older post" first

Scenes Along the AK Highway

Hey! what's up.... from the moose......

Young elk....

All of the following animal photos have been identified by a local....I take no responsibility for mistakes!!

Sheep look for salt to lick along the side of the roads.....

Three photos of a caribou along the road...

The Alaska Hwy---the Beginning

The beginning of the Alaska Hwy starts in Dawson Creek, BC. It is 1422 miles long and was built in 1942 for security reasons and took only 9 amazing feat.

I finally was able to make 2 posts....if it doesn't show up below, go to previous posts or new, whatever works. Next stop will be Skagway....I hope I can get internet access. Thanks for stopping by......

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Banff/Jasper: Animals, Mts, and Ice

Our first bear pictures from the front....meaning the rest of them were of his rear! This black bear was enjoying his lunch amidst the flowers, but keeping a wary eye on us(safe in the car) at the same time. We were actually much further away than it looks. I took 23 pics just to get these 3.....just wouldn't cooperate.

Crowfoot Glacier.....over the years it has "lost" it's bottom claw.

This is the claw of the Crowfoot glacier close up.....a good look at the structure of the ice.....years and years of layers upon layers.

The gem of Banff.....Glacier-fed Peyto Lake. That blue color is for real!

Fragile delicate tundra.....near the tree line on the mountain.

The "big one" in Jasper, Athabasca Glacier. This huge glacier is overwhelming. You can climb up to it but it is a hike. It is rapidly receding, as most of them are. Ck out the close up. Ten years ago when we were here the glacier edge was at the parking lot!

Multiple falls.....conveniently right along the road!

Check out these agile baby and Momma goats.....having fun!
(More later......Signing off for today)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Some Photos from the Canadian Rockies

This is beautiful Moraine Lake in Banff...a picture of this lake used to be on the back of the Canadian $20. bill.

Success!! Some photos posted for you....thank you for still hanging around. We are a week behind in news and photos, so will send some along today from the Canadian Rockies...Banff and Jasper NP in Alberta CA. We are actually in Juneau for about 5 days and making good use of the cafe in the Safeway.

We were lucky to see this large group of Bighorn sheep along the road....and they didn't seem to mind our staring at them.

(This will be continued Thursday, 7/30....)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hang in there with us!!!

Our campsite in Banff...located on a beaver pond with a great background.

Since I last wrote, we continue to have problems putting photos on the blog.... Wifi service is slow in the campgrounds. It is taking too long so will not be able to download pics until we resolve this problem. When we get to a larger town this weekend we hope to resolve this problem. Hang in there with us.... I have a lot of good ones for you!!!

Yesterday, Sunday, we finally reached the beginning of the Alaska Highway in the town of Dawson Creek, BC. It's in the NE corner of British Columbia. The AK Highway is roughly 1500 miles long and was built in 9 months in 1942 to secure our country during WWII. Today we reached the northern most reaches of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. They are just as beautiful as those in Banff and Jasper. We saw lots of animals and took many pictures....moose, mt.goats, and caribou and some we can't even identify!!! We continue to appreciate the beauty this country and are having a wonderful time. Signing off for now.......